to partners

The International Forum and Expo GrainBiotech - 2024 for the deep processing of grains and beans is a unique specialized event in the industry. The goal of the Forum is to give answers to all questions about launching new products of deep grain processing on the market "from idea to product". The Forum focuses on the practical aspects of deep processing of grain and beans with the production of high value-added products.

The GrainBiotech Forum will attract owners and top managers of companies as participants, which will provide you, as a Partner, with unique opportunities to find customers, present your company, products and services to the target audience, allow you to become a leader in the promising market for deep grain processing, and also provide opportunity to have a significant impact on the target audience.

Participation as a Partner of GrainBiotech - 2024 will highlight your company and allow you to make an announce of your company, products and services and to become a leader in the fast-growing market for deep processing of grains and beans. A large expo hall will be a perfect space to place your company's stand. We are ready to provide you with special opportunities if your company has special challenges. Contact us for more information.

All Partner Packages includes:

  • Description of the company (300 words) on the Forum website.
  • "Sponsor" ribbon on sponsor delegates' badges.
  • Your logo/ banner on website three months before and three months after the Forum.
  • Additional options according to the sponsorship package (see below).


Additional options:

  • Company logo in emailings.
  • Verbal mention of the General Partner on the Forum.
  • Opportunity to submit a report on the Forum.
  • Unequipped expo space for the company's stand in one of the best places.
  • The company logo on the buffet tables.
  • Free participation of five employees of the company.

Additional options:

  • Unequipped expo space for the company's stand.
  • Opportunity to submit a report on the Forum.
  • The company logo in the emailings.
  • Verbal mention of the Official Partner on the Forum.
  • Free participation of three employees of the company.


Additional options:

  • Opportunity to make a company presentation.
  • Company logo in emailings.
  • Verbal mention of the Special Partner on the Forum.
  • Free participation of two employees of the company.

  • Non-equipped exhibition space 2 x 3 m, table, chair, socket.
  • Free participation of one employee of the company.
  • Description of the company on the forum site.
  • Possibility to put company's promo materials in the packages for gelegates.

For more information on Forum GrainBiotech - 2024 please contact us:

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